SER Compliance Zero Tolerance Categories
The Home Depot requires full cooperation from all suppliers and relevant factories in order to improve SER compliance among its supplier base. In the event that a factory assessment yields results in which the factory is unable to meet Zero Tolerance Categories, The Home Depot will take one/all of the following steps:
For all Existing Suppliers: Failure to meet any of the SER Zero Tolerance Categories will result in the factory receiving a failing rating. A failing grading outcome will require that the factory to undertake and complete a Corrective Action Plan (transparency and performance improvement commitments must be made by factory management) Failure to complete a Corrective Action Plan will result in the Supplier relationship being terminated and no new purchase orders issued by the
Home Depot.
Potential Factory (On-boarding): Failure to meet any of the SER Zero Tolerance Categories will
result in disqualification from on-boarding selection process.
Transparency Suppliers are required to provide transparency into their operations, policies, processes, and relevant records to The Home Depot or its designated third party.
Age Requirements Suppliers will not employ any person(s) under the age of 14.
Forced Labor THD will not accept or tolerate the use of any forced or involuntary labor, either directly or indirectly by our suppliers, contractors or subcontractors.
Fraud THD will not tolerate Suppliers providing fraudulent documentation, or statements with a willful intent to deceive.
Non-Payment of Wages All workers, including trainees, must be paid at least the cash equivalent of the minimum legal wage.
Disciplinary Practices Suppliers must not use or permit corporal punishment or any other form of physical or psychological coercion including verbal abuse and sexual harassment.
Collaboration Performance Improvement THD expects our suppliers to strive continuously for improvement of their respective operation that has an impact on THD business.
SER 验厂零容忍政策