Factory Certification Audit Report
The Vendor Certification process will begin with an audit of all current manufacturing facilities and their processes. The audit will also assess the physical security of the facilities. It incorporates a grading system, which will be used as a guide for selecting and improving Staples’ suppliers of Private Label, Contracted Manufactured and Direct Import products.
Outlined below is the Auditing Rating Scale, the criteria and associated auditing and follow-up
Certified Preferred Vendor – Reaudit in two years* Quality System Audit Score of at least 86% and C-TPAT Security Assessment Score of at least 80% with no critical violations
*Does not apply to Post-probation or Follow-up Audit Scores (See Certified Vendor below)
Certified Vendor – Reaudit in one year
Quality System Audit Score of at least 80% (or above on Post-probation or Follow-up Audits) and
C-TPAT Security Assessment Score of at least 80% with no critical violations Certified Vendor with Corrective Action Required – Complete a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) within 90 days and a Reaudit in one year
Quality System Audit Score between 61-79% and/or C-TPAT Security Assessment Score of at least 70% with no critical violations
Failed Quality System Audit Score below 60% and/or C-TPAT Security Assessment Score below 70% or a critical violation is found Staples personnel or our designated representative will perform all Audits and CAP follow-ups.